thank you for your support
Your donations make our concert series, educational programs, and community engagement possible. Donations of any amount are welcome and sincerely appreciated.
make a one-time online donation
click the link below to make a secure online donation through donorbox.
ways to give
give through patreon
Receive monthly rewards such as exclusive audio, video, & merchandise.
mail your donation
Make checks payable to
Palaver Strings Inc. and mail to:
Palaver Strings
380 Cumberland Ave, Floor 2
Portland, ME 04101
donate by stock, will or trust
Your generous contribution can also take the form of a gift of stock, a gift by will, or trust. Each option will be managed with care by our team.
gifts of stock
Please notify Palaver Strings that
you will be making a gift by emailing us at finance@palaverstrings.org
Please direct your financial advisor to use the following delivery instructions when making the transfer:
DTC participant: SEI Private Trust Company
Participant ID (DTC #): 2663
Bangor Savings Bank A/C: 78914
Client Name: Palaver Strings Inc
Client A/C#: 240134
For bond or other gift questions reach out to maya@palaverstrings.org
gifts by will
Your will, when it is drafted by your lawyer, is hand tailored to incorporate your decisions. A bequest in your will to Palaver Strings is exempt from the federal estate tax and the Maine estate tax.
connect with us
For inquiries, send email to info@palaverstrings.org
we couldn’t do it without our incredible partners
we’re so grateful to our season 11 sponsors