Art by Devon Kelley-Yurdin
Join Palaver and little house dance for a work in progress presentation of Noisefloor accompanied by a talkback with Bates Dance Professor, Brian Evans. Noisefloor is a unique collaboration between Palaver Strings and the contemporary dance company little house dance, presented by Portland Ovations and State Theatre. In this interdisciplinary performance, twelve musicians and eight dancers join forces, premiering a new composition by Courtney Swain written specifically for choreography by Heather Stewart. This project seamlessly integrates the media of music and dance, involving dancers in the composition process and including musicians in little house’s movement language. Noisefloor plays with the subjectivity of human experience, including visual and auditory perception and the logic of dreams. Musicians and dancers will move throughout the stage and surrounding areas, expanding the audience’s audiovisual field. Noisefloor is an immersive physical, visual, and musical experience.