the palaver gathering is generously sponsored by bangor savings bank, northland enterprises + the CREWE foundation
a warm thank you to our host committee
Amy Yasko + Lionel Derriey / Andrew Marsters / Ann Casady + Peter Pitegoff / Ari + Natalie Solotoff / Arthur + Elaine Robins / Barbara Lamont / Carol + Joe Wishcamper / Carolyn Benthien / Christina Wright + Luther Black / Dana Street / David Lakari / Fritz + Susan Onion / Gates + Caroline Sanford / Jennifer Queally + Richard Entel / Jonny Asen + Annie Reiner / Josué González + Tami Papagiannopoulos / Judy Wei / Kate + Jess Knox / Kathleen Sullivan + Robert Stevens / Ken Spirer + Joan Leitzer / Kerem Durdag / Elizabeth Hays / Margot + Roger Miliken / Max + Christina Monks / Stephanie Cotsirilos / William Black + Jackie Potter